Dear Jeremy Lin: Let Us Give You an Assist on Renters Insurance

Gotham Brokerage wants to make sure you’ve got renters insurance covered

Jeremy Lin, freshly minted as an NBA star and occupant of his own NYC apartment, could use some good renter's insurance. Photo by nikk_la via Wikimedia Commons.

We take a break from our regular blogging for this personal message to New York Knicks star Jeremy Lin:


Congratulations on your new apartment. The W New York Downtown Hotel is a great building, and the views of the Statue of Liberty are simply breathtaking.

We hate to bug you, since we know you’re busy rejuvenating the Knicks, exciting basketball fans worldwide, dodging paparazzi, and reigning as everyone’s favorite underdog story. But now that you’re no longer sleeping on a buddy’s couch, it’d be a good idea for you to look into some renter’s insurance.

As excited as people are to see you play, you must have a huge pile of endorsement money coming your way. You’re going to be able to bling out your apartment like nobody’s business. That’s why you need to make sure everything you buy is covered — and at replacement value, too, so if it’s lost, damaged or stolen, you’ll get it replaced new rather than depreciated. And make sure you have liability coverage, too, so that if there’s an accident, nobody tries to come after your NBA salary.

We’ve been at this for 50 years, selling property insurance to New York newcomers, and we’ve got experience helping people of all incomes. Plus, we’re really, really fast. We can usually line up insurance for a client in as little as 20 minutes. We know you’re a busy man, trying to beat traffic to the Garden, so that’s important.

We also specialize in making sure that people don’t overpay for insurance. We make sure that your coverage meets all your needs but only what you need. There’s a reason the Better Business Bureau has us rated A+ — we make sure our customers are covered but at the best value. Of course, your needs may change — they’ve certainly changed over the last couple of months, haven’t they? — and we’re highly skilled at adjusting policies, whether that means a bigger apartment or a luxury couch for the Knicks’ current 12th man.

Jeremy, if you haven’t gotten renter’s insurance yet, we’ll be happy to help. Give us a call at [telnumlink]212-406-7300[/telnumlink]. (And by all means, keep an eye out for Melo coming off the screen for the medium-range J. He can stroke it.)


Jeff Schneider

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