Gotham Brokerage: Winter Storm Season Makes Renters Insurance A Necessity

Renter’s insurance protects your possessions from the cost of winter storm damage

GothamWe’re bound to have a winter storm or two left in the season, resulting in billions of dollars in property damage. Protect your possessions with renter’s insurance. [Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons]

Despite the unseasonably warm temperatures lately, don’t be fooled. It won’t be long before harsh winds and stinging snow and ice pummel our city. Winter storms were the third most costly type of natural disaster in the United States last year, resulting in $2 billion in insured losses, says the Insurance Information Institute. Since 1992, winter storms have caused nearly $28 billion in insured losses.

After nearly 50 years in the property insurance business, we’ve seen our share of weather-related mishaps. Winter is especially tough on the aging pipes and multistory buildings that make up so much of New York City’s housing stock. Freezing can wreck already shaky water and sewer systems, and ice worsens cracks in crumbling walls.

For these and other reasons, you should do yourself a favor and protect your belongings with renter’s insurance.

As an insurance broker, we work with multiple insurers to ensure you get the coverage you need for as little as $10 to $20 per month. We eliminate the headache of calling dozens of insurance companies by doing the comparison shopping for you, guaranteeing you get the policy that suits your needs best.

Gotham is a family-owned business based in Manhattan, and has an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau. To get a quote, call us at [telnumlink]212-406-7300[/telnumlink] or fill out the form at right.

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