Protect Yourself From These 3 Halloween Hazards With Apartment Insurance

Looking to amp up the spooky this Halloween? One way to do it is to hold off on buying apartment insurance. Here’s what we mean:


dogs in ghost costumes

1. You go to a Halloween party and your cell phone is stolen.

Life without a cell phone? Terrifying, but with apartment insurance, you don’t have to worry — it will reimburse you for the loss as long as you have proper documentation of ownership.


trick or treaters at a house

2. Your neighbor’s indoor Halloween bonfire got out of control and spread to your home, damaging your stuff.

Crazy neighbors. But apartment insurance has got you covered. In fact, if the damage to your apartment is so severe that it forces you into a hotel, apartment insurance will cover it, as well as meals and travel, but only over and above your normal monthly expenses.


man stoking a fire

3. At your Halloween party, a friend dressed as a robot slips in your hallway and twists her knee, requiring a visit to the hospital. A week later you get a notice that your “friend” has sued you for damages.

Apartment insurance can get you out of this ghoulish predicament. Your personal liability coverage will pay limited medical expenses for someone injured in your apartment, and if they sue, you are covered up to the liability limit.

$15,000 worth of property protection costs a not-so-scary $150 a year. Call Gotham for a free quote today.

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