Forte Greene Farmer’s Market | Ethan Oringel via Flickr
Brooklynites don’t live like most Americans. We get a daily quad workout from walking up the
four flights of steps to our walkup apartments. We carry umbrellas, gym clothes, and changes
of shoes in our messenger bags, because most of us don’t have cars and probably won’t be
home until after dinner. We buy local vegetables at the farmer’s market down the block.
When it comes to buying renters and apartment insurance, it’s good to go local, too. We
understand what it means to live in a Brooklyn apartment. There are many New York-specific
economic considerations that go into matching you with your ideal policy.
1. Higher property values
For sale sign | Diana Parkhouse via Flickr
You know how your friends in other places gasp when they hear how much you spend on rent?
You need different coverage than them.
2. Older plumbing
Look at these old pipes | P. Gordon via Flickr
That charming brownstone may have 80-year-old plumbing. While your landlord is responsible
for building fixes in case a pipe bursts, you’re responsible for all of your stuff that’s now soaking
3. Higher labor costs
These guys are doing heavy work | pdz_house via Flickr
After all, those carpenters, plumbers, and electricians have to be able to pay for their own
outrageous rents!
4. Crime rates
You definitely don’t want these visitors | JJ via Flickr
This is one area where living in New York might help you… Despite what you’ve learned from
watching 1970s films, NYC isn’t even in the top 10 cities when it comes to burglary rates or
crime rates in general.
When it comes to NYC insurance, there’s no substitute for local expertise. We know Brooklyn
— we’ve been in this market for over 50 years. We can help you find the right rental or
homeowner’s insurance for you, and it’s fast, easy, and inexpensive.